報 名 方 式
"Take a shot, chase the moon and find the beautiful."
The beauty of the moon is that it shines a light on things we are unsure about,
like a guiding light in the darkness.
It creates inspiration for venturing into the world and discovering your passion and dreams.
Never be afraid to dream reach for the moon. That's what we want to say.
Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you will land among the stars.
Moonlight spreads everywhere in sight.
We are more gorgeous than we think ourselves to be.
Let's travel wherever moonlight leads.
There are so much more for us to explore in this amazing world.
We will harness the energy of the moon,
glow in the dark and dream it possible.
報 名 方 式
Step1. 填寫線上「報名表單」
Step2. 提交線上報名表單後,印下家長同意書並填寫完畢
Step3. 將填寫好之紙本家長同意書(含國中活動組核章)拍照/掃描上傳